Frequency Analysis

Get a head start and gain a much more accurate sense of which artwork truly works best for your specific space or enhances your overall personal wellness experience. You can opt for an Individual Analysis that focuses on your personal wellness needs, or choose a comprehensive Space Analysis tailored for various environments in which you spend your time.


Judy Ann Tank, ND, uses kinesiology to pinpoint your unique Vibrational Signature, identifying your lowest-vibrating emotions and the necessary frequency for calibration.


Judy Ann Tank, ND, uses kinesiology to identify the optimal frequency, color, and artwork that can effectively shape an environment's nourishing energy.


ALLURE belongs to the Peace of Mountains collection, capturing the tranquil essence of mountains, featuring majestic trees, dramatic rocks, and cascading waterfalls. 

ALLURE resonates at 912 Hz. Use 912 Hz to entrain with awe ~ a feeling of reverential respect and admiration in the presence of something grand or sacred, leaving us moved and humbled. Awe anchors a vibration of wonder and inspiration.