Resonate Deliberately Using Frequency Levels

Imagine the vibrating energy from every cell in every organ in the body superimposing over each other to generate a biological human energy field. This biofield is an energetic matrix that surrounds the human body and contains multiple levels ~ physical, mental, and emotional. It directly links cellular activity with meridian pathways to allow DNA in cells to communicate at light speed. Each vibrating level of the biofield combines to create a composite frequency called a vibrational signature. Optimal resonance is when the biofield vibrates at its best possible frequency. We can only utilize the energetic framework surrounding us when we vibrate at our best possible frequency. We operate best physically, emotionally, and mentally when our vibrational signature resonates at its Optimal Resonance Frequency, an oscillation where we maintain our most vital and potent state.

689 Hz

Use 689 Hz to raise vibration and resonate with Optimism.

Choose Resonant Art by Frequency Levels

819 Hz

Use 819 Hz to raise vibration and resonate with Harmony.

780 Hz

Use 780 Hz to raise vibration and resonate with Enthusiasm.

720 Hz

Use 720 Hz to raise vibration and resonate with Expectation.

873 Hz

Use 873 Hz to to raise vibration and resonate with Eagerness.

1008 Hz

Use 1008 Hz to to raise vibration and resonate with Passion.

960 Hz

Use 960 Hz to to raise vibration and resonate with Happiness.

912 Hz

Use 912 Hz to to raise vibration and resonate with Awe.

1056 Hz

Use 1056 Hz to to raise vibration and resonate with Freedom.

1200 Hz

Use 1200 Hz to to raise vibration and resonate with Love.

1152 Hz

Use 1152 Hz to to raise vibration and resonate with Joy.

1107 Hz

Use 1107 Hz to to raise vibration and resonate with Empowerment.


MIRROR belongs to the Energy of Places collection, representing an exquisite curation of our Earth’s energetically refreshing locations. 

MIRROR resonates at 780 Hz. Use 780 Hz to entrain with enthusiasm ~ a feeling of heightened positive energy that empowers us to embrace new opportunities and conquer challenges. Enthusiasm anchors a vibration of lively interest and zeal.